This blog was really designed for me and others in the interwebs to vent their grievances. Yes there is twitter, and facebook and formspring... and even god forbid myspace.

But this blog comes with fun facts!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Studying for Exams

In Australia SWOTVAC stands for Study without Teaching Vacation, and is pretty much the week or two you get in between finishing studies and doing your exams. It is also the most boring two weeks of your life. If you're not prepared for your exam you have to miss out on anything that might be going on and hit the books. If you're prepared you spend two weeks doing very little, and feeling guilty if you do go out. The worse thing about SWOTVAC is the waiting, like the wait for injections.. you know nothing good can come of it.


So rather than actually study, I looked up facts on the best ways to study, particularly the myths surrounding study. It is fact that eventually we all suffer from memory decay, meaning memories depending on their strength have a finite life. It also false that we need a lot of sleep to promote good memory, rather well structured and effective sleep are more beneficial to heightened memory, finally if taken at the right time an afternoon nap can boost our intellectual performance as long as it doesn't interrupt our sleeping rhythm. Good news, plenty of time for a siesta in SWOTVAC!

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